Disruptr Blockchain Platforms maturity framework

3 min readFeb 11, 2020


Or How to Choose a Blockchain Platform for Your Business

Many industries — insurance, medical, education, real estate, logistics, supply chain, finance, quality assurance — are leveraging blockchain to address existing business challenges, security, cost and efficiency among them.

Distributed Ledger Technology, where data is replicated across a network of validators and secured using cryptography, offers a solution where all participants have the most current copy of the ledger resulting in a decentralized system where transactions are transparent, instant, reliable and incorruptible.

Disruptr has developed an assessment and maturity framework to help you select the best blockchain platform.

A table overview


and our Blockchain radar https://platform.tokens-economy.com/radar.html

How to read this table?

  1. We are trying to keep up to date an overview of all blockchain platforms that can run smart contracts or scripts (bitcoin)
  2. We consolidate and let you compare some platform key metrics
  3. This table may help you match your business requirements to a blockchain platform but you still need to get professional advice. Every project IS different.

Our ratings are not perfect yet but are evolving and follow all blockchain platform data that we fetch daily or weekly (thanks to our custom Java framework). Keeping this table up to date for all annotated fields is an enormous effort: things are changing fast in the blockchain world.

How we dit it

We collect 72 indicators automatically or not: Number Dapps, accounts, advisors, atomic swap, block producer, blocksize, blocktime (s), circulating supply, company code, consensus, contract language, contracts, created_at, day_fix_oday, decentralization, description, dex, documentation, explorer, fork, forks_count, founding, fullNode, gdpr, github_stars, governance, head block, investors, language, launch, license, logo, market cap rank, market_cap, maxtps (realtime), motto, name, new tokens, nodes, open_issues_count, pull_request_count, performance tx/s, platform code, price, privacy, reddit users, releases_count, rewards, roadmap, sdk, sidechain, social, stackoverflow questions, staked, state channels, team, testnet, ticker, token, total supply, transactions, turing, tx cost, type, unstaked, unstaking, updated_at, url, wallet code, wallets, watchers, whitepaper.

And calculate or annotate 7 rating indicators: popularity, quality, ease of use, access, costs, scalability, attractiveness, industry focus

We will continue adding new indicators, automating their updates and improve our rating formulas.

We are welcoming community feedback! Our rating formulas can and will be improved over time, you may disagree with some of our results, in all case feel free to contact us at info@disruptr.ch

Note that we have also developed a generic Request For Proposal (RFP) that helps us efficiently reduce the number of platforms and better understand our client requirements.

Disruptr offer services regarding blockchain IT consulting & engineering, blockchain strategy and advisory services, including:

  • Conception and realization of proof of concepts, complete projects.
  • Project management for implementations
  • Smart contract auditing
  • Blockchain courses/trainings
  • Technical content writing
  • Development of software products using Corda/Ethereum

Would you like to learn more about how blockchain can help you automate processes, lower costs, create transparency and make your business more efficient? Contact us




Written by Disruptr

Disruptr offer services regarding blockchain IT consulting & engineering, blockchain strategy and advisory services, Corda/Ethereum development

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